Biceps Exercises

Check out a few ideas for biceps exercises

Standing Barbell Curls
Preacher Curls
Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls
Incline Dumbbell Curls
Concentration Curls
Seated Barbell Curls

Standing Barbell Curls

Works: Biceps

How to do it: Stand straight with your feet at shoulder width apart, your knees very slightly bent. Hold the bar slightly wider then shoulder width. Curl up and bring the weight as high as you can. Your elbows should not be moving. Stay still in the lower back as well. Squeeze the biceps on purpose in upper position and then slowly bring the bar down.

Standing Barbell Curls 1 Standing Barbell Curls 2

Preacher Curls

Works: Biceps

How to do it: Sit at the preacher curls bench. Lean your arms against the bench pad. Hold the bar a bit closer then shoulder width. Curl up and squeeze in upper position for a peak contraction. Let the weight go slow back down. Don’t fully extend in the elbows when in lower position. Get the maximum possible range of motion but still maintain a slight angle in your elbows.

You can do this exercise with straight or EZ bar.

Preacher Curls 1 Preacher Curls 2

Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls

Works: Biceps

How to do it: Stay on your feet at shoulder width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells. Your hands should be positioned as you were holding hammers instead of dumbbells. Curl up one arm at a time. Twist your wrist out while lifting the weight so that your thumb points out and your little finger in – toward your chest. You do it this way for a full bicep contraction. Lower the dumbbell back to starting position and repeat the same movement with the other arm.

Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls 1 Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls 2

Incline Dumbbell Curls

Works: Biceps

How to do it: Sit back on an incline bench with a pair of dumbbells in your hands. Your palms should be facing each other. Start by lifting both dumbbells. Turn the wrists outwards (supinating) so that when in the upper end position your thumbs point out. Squeeze there for a moment and return the weights back with a slow, controlled movement.

You can also do this with one arm at a time (alternating).

Concentration Curls

Works: Biceps

How to do it: Sit on the shorter end of a bench with your legs spread apart. Hold a dumbbell with one arm. Lean the arm against the inner thigh closer to the knee joint. Put your free hand on the opposite thigh for better support. Start lifting the dumbbell while turning the wrist outwards (supinating). Squeeze in upper position for a peak contraction. Slowly return the dumbbell back to starting position. Don’t extend the working arm completely. Maintain a slight angle in the elbow at the end of the negative phase (starting point of the repetition).

Concentration Curls 1 Concentration Curls 2

Seated Barbell Curls

Works: Biceps

How to do it: Sit on the narrower end of a bench with your back straight and your chest out. The bar is resting on your thighs at this point. Your grip is slightly wider than the thighs. Begin curling while maintaining proper posture. Bring your elbows slightly forward for a better contraction at the upper end of the repetition. Squeeze for added contraction. Slowly return the bar back without touching your thighs. Start your new repetition from here.

Seated Barbell Curls 1 Seated Barbell Curls 2