This one time when my mind gave up but my soul didn’t

Ivan at the window

Logically, it didn’t make sense to fight. But, as I will much later learn, logic isn’t a reliable guide in the Infinite Field of possibilities (read the quantum field). Growing up in a communist country, going to America was only what you saw on TV — or dreamt about. But it would never happen to […]

The true reason why you were born

Talking to my people… and their biggest fear That they are going to waste their entire life living far below their potential. That was my fear for decades. And all it was causing was strengthening my doubts that maybe I was not meant to express my potential fully in this lifetime. Deep inside there was… […]

I’ve messed up in my relationship

I’ve messed up in my relationship more times than I want to admit (but here it is..) All my mess-ups came largely because of the following two reasons (and I would argue that most men are afflicted by both): Here’s a great analogy of how the first affliction works: If we throw a pebble into […]

5 liberating lessons from a “messy” coach

This happened not more than a few weeks ago… I was out on the streets walking briskly. Not because I was hurrying to get somewhere – but because I was trying to run away from myself. How does one run away from themselves? They don’t because they can’t. It’s impossible, right? The reason I was […]

The first step towards a dramatically improved quality of life

The first step towards a dramatically improved quality of life

Yesterday, on a coaching call I asked the client what were the main insights and shifts from our coaching so far. She recalled all the mindset shifts and insights that now allowed her to see the world differently. She said at the end that there was one unexpected thing that stood out for her regarding […]

If you still don’t know your purpose

Let’s make things easy… What’s your purpose in life? What’s the highest purpose in every-single-person’s life? I just had a mastermind call with soulmates. And this came up in the call. And it asked to be spoken about. Revisited again. Contemplated in later quiet hours (which is where this text is originating). Powerful questions that […]

You have never done anything wrong – ever!

If you really get what I’m about to share with you – and if you let it in – you’ll never be the same! I know this is a bold statement to make… but you be the judge at the end. You tell me! Today I had a beautiful connection call with another coach. We […]

You forgot how to hear this voice

When I was in my teens and twenties I wanted to be powerful. I wanted to be famous. I wanted to have a lot of money. The closest I got to fame (if one could call it that) was during my bodybuilding career. But I didn’t feel powerful. I didn’t have lots of money. And, […]