What you (and I) didn’t know about human violence

Rorry Miller on human violence podcast

Here is the thing.. If you think that: 1) You know a lot about human violence and are prepared, or 2) You radiate positive energy and that’s what you attract – and therefore violence only happens to others, you need to listen to this audio. My fellow MovNat-ter Daniel Vitalis, who is an expert on […]

Grass-fed vs. organic milk – which should you buy?

Grass-fed cows

Like a lot of folks out there, I strive to be healthy and with this I try to do what I know should aid to my “good health” efforts and avoid doing what I think is clearly damaging to my health (and by extension physical performance). I like cooking with cow’s butter and I also […]

Methods for calculating total daily protein intake

Protein foods

In my last article I wrote about the different dietary protein needs in general. I also expressed that although it is clear who needs baseline protein levels (current RDA), who needs more than that and who needs less, it is still not very clear how to determine the exact needs for each individual. In order […]

Good sources of carbohydrates list

Taro root

Here is my personal list of good sources of carbohydrates. Explanations are below: [vector_icon icon=”thumbs-o-up” size=”13px”] Bananas (but not overly-ripe) [vector_icon icon=”thumbs-o-up” size=”13px”] White rice (but not brown rice) [vector_icon icon=”thumbs-o-up” size=”13px”] Potatoes and sweet potatoes, yams (no skin) [vector_icon icon=”thumbs-o-up” size=”13px”] Taro [vector_icon icon=”thumbs-o-up” size=”13px”] Berries First, all good sources of carbohydrates could be metabolic […]